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Chinese Love Horoscope  2014



First trimester
With the stars Van Xuong and Dao Hoa still in your love sector, your sentimental life should continue to provide you with many joys. This was already the case lately and you'll doubtlessly begin to take the habit of living animated love affairs. If you've found your soul mate, you'll redouble your passion for the other one whom you'll overwhelm with attentions. If your couple is in a bad way, you must struggle strongly in order to resist the temptation of unfaithfulness. As for single folks, they should benefit from circumstances favorable to an outstanding encounter.

Second trimester
Your conjugal life will have nothing of a long, quiet river! Conflicts with your spouse may be numerous. It's true that you'll have no desire to let yourself be dominated by the other one and that you'll assert your want of independence more strongly than usual. However, after each storm, calmness will return and reconciliations will be particularly tender. Single natives, you'll live a great passion which will be as short as it will be intense. Profit well by life, but nevertheless think of stabilizing yourself for, in spite of all, you need security on the love plane.

Third trimester
Pleasure and well-being will be present. As you'll feel a great need for harmony in your conjugal life, you'll do your best to create a cozy and sensual ambience to which your mate will be very sensitive. Your relationships will be extremely good. But beware of jealousy which may hurt your heart. If you're free, you'll feel the need to share your joys and sorrows, day after day, with a companion. Your wish should be fulfilled very soon.

Fourth trimester
With the star of desire, Luu Ha, in your chart, your love life should evolve in an atmosphere marked with sensuality. Whether it's an increase of passion for your mate or an attraction to a new lover, you'll get stirred quite easily. But beware of the negative influence of the star Thien Viet who could very well jeopardize your plans or force you back to less romantic reality. Try to live the present moment as intensely as possible without being too enthusiastic about the future: This would be an appropriate attitude.


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