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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Chinese Love Horoscope  2014


The OX (Buffalo)

First trimester
If you're living in couple, you'll force the admiration of your spouse or mate by making difficult but indispensable decisions concerning your home and your children. Thus you'll form an exemplary couple with the other one. Single natives, you'll reject all relationship that does not lead to anything constructive. On the contrary, the person whom you'll meet this time might well resemble the ideal partner for you. Very quickly you two will begin talking about marriage or will envisage living together.

Second trimester
In your life as a couple you'll try to multiply common projects. Also, for some of you, the birth of a child will mark the realization of the most beautiful of projects. Single folks, don't worry: The stars will not forget you and there'll be something new in your love lives. It's even love with a capital L that you'll experience. And if you're betrothed since some time, marriage will take place very soon.

Third trimester
Your relationship with your spouse or mate will be placed under the sign of dynamism and activity. More than customary, you'll be conscious of the risk that monotony in a couple can present and you'll do everything possible to avoid this trap. Single folks, you'll shun too clingy partners and you'll try to profit by your freedom to the utmost. However, there's every chance that a charming person will soon kidnap your heart.

Fourth trimester
Euphoria in the love sector! Thanks to the joint influence of the stars Long Duc and Phong Cao, you'll live privileged moments with your spouse or mate. The star Lam Quan will also be in excellent aspect. Thus, not satisfied only with strengthening your complicity ties with the person who shares your life, you'll also take him/her to the paradise of pleasure. This idyllic ambience will have every chance to prevail a long time, especially if you avoid playing at tyrants with the other one. Single natives, you'll be real ladykillers (mankillers). But you'll also be ready to sacrifice your freedom for the beautiful eyes of a charming person.


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