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Chinese Love Horoscope  2014



First trimester
Realistic as you are, you'll nevertheless begin to dream of romantic love! Of course, compared to such extravagant phantasms, your present conjugal life will seem quite bleak to you and your spouse or mate rather gloomy. However, the other one will reproach you for being unjust toward him/her, and he/she won't be wrong. Beware, a climate of misunderstanding could then settle in your couple! If you're single, you'll staunchly wait for the charming prince (or the perfect woman). And at the same time you'll run the risk of not paying enough attention to the person whom you'll meet during this period. Yet this person has everything to make you happy!

Second trimester
This planetary cocktail will offer you one of the most promising periods of the year as far as love affairs are concerned, especially if you're single: An important encounter could very well take you off guard. But if you live in couple, beware: These planetary impacts can exacerbate your desire for freedom or that of your mate. Be careful not to put your couple in danger for invalid reasons; measure out what you do, and take into account the price that you may have to pay!

Third trimester
You're going to enter a calm period on the sentimental plane. If you're already living in couple, your relations with your mate will be placed under the sign of well-being and tenderness. Even though your conjugal life has gone through difficulties lately, they must be behind you from now on. If you live alone, the star Tu Vi, by becoming favorable to you, will make you live an animated social life. You'll make encounters; and, who knows, someone among your new acquaintances may command your attention.

Fourth trimester
This period will certainly be a memorable one. You'll be relaxed, feel good about yourself, and this beautiful balance will have happy repercussions on your couple life. You'll have the desire to strengthen the ties which bind you to your spouse or mate and to build a more and more solid happiness as time goes on. And the circumstances will give you the possibility to do it. As for you, single folks, the trimester might very well mark the beginning of a great passion. A passion that will transform itself into a durable love, so much so that it will incite you to sacrifice your dear freedom. In other words, there'll be marriage in the air!


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