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Chinese Astrology: Ancient Secrets for Modern Life

Chinese Astrology: Ancient Secrets for Modern Life

by : Sabrina Liao

Publisher: Warner Books; Warner Bk edition (January 1, 2001)

  • For 5,000 years, the Chinese have used a system of astrology based on a person's birth year to predict personal prosperity and discover compatibility with lovers, family members, and friends. Now, in the most authentic and up-to-date guide available, renowned Chinese astrologist Sabrina Liao-creator of one of the most popular Chinese astrology Web sites-unveils the unseen forces shaping your personality...which mate will attract you and fulfill you...and even what the future portends.

  • With this easy-to-use guide, you will find the animal sign that matches your birth year. Whether you are an imperial Dragon, a born leader...a merry Monkey, generous and creative...or a charismatic Tiger, charming and passionate, you'll discover your:· MOST COMPATIBLE LOVERS · BEST AND WORST PERSONALITY TRAITS· BEST AND WORST CAREER CHOICES· WEALTH-BUILDING OPPORTUNITIES Unlike most other guides, CHINESE ASTROLOGY is written by a Chinese expert using the true principles that have endured for thousands of years. With her deep knowledge of this ancient art of divination and prediction, Sabrina Liao gives you an accurate, eye-opening reading of your personal sign. In addition, she tells you:· The history and legends of Chinese astrology· How the five elements--metal, wood, water, fire, earth--further determine your fate.

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