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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

The twelve Animal Signs for Men

The twelve Animal Signs

for Men

Rooster man

His physical background

  • As far as general appearance is concerned, we can distinguish two main types of Rooster men: One is stocky, well-set, profusely hirsute, resembling the classic representation of Hercules; the other somewhat recalls Apollo, with his long limbs, slim waist, and moderately apparent muscles. Such are about all the noticeable differences between the two branches.

  • The native of either type has unusually large shoulders and big, powerful hands. These and his other physical characteristics denote the presence in him of an intense source of energy - the kind of energy that surfaces in karate practitioners at the moment when they are on the point of delivering a blow. It is most probably this energy which makes his demeanor far from being unobtrusive, his speech brusque, and his gestures nervous - people can indeed easily recognize a Rooster male by his restlessness.

  • This subject has an almost square face; its natural sternness is further intensified by his barren, angular features, his overwhelmingly large skull, his aquiline nose, and his dense hair which he often likes to wear crew-cut. His mouth, drawn to one side as if by a perpetual grin, may prove a clear indication of the continuous efforts he makes to control his aggressivity. His husky, low-pitched, pleasing voice effectively counterbalances the severity of his general look.

  • There is no way for his interlocutors to escape his ruthless gaze. It is searching, penetrating; it upsets and puts ill at ease; it fascinates and paralyzes at the same time. His escarbunclelike eyes unquestionably constitute the most distinctive element of his entire physique.

  • In all appearance the Rooster man possesses an iron health. Whatever might happen to him, people could safely bet that it would not make him take to his bed. He himself often wonders why those around him can ever fall ill and, when they do, shows little sympathy for them.

  • Actually, there exists no such thing as his immunity from illness. While his recuperative powers reach an exceptional level, his organism nevertheless presents as much vulnerability as the next fellow's. If he can put up a show of his solidity as a rock, it is mostly because he has the will - and the imprudence - to ignore his miseries and suffer them without stopping or slowing down his activity. Among the disorders to which he is liable, those affecting the head are troublesome enough for the average person - chronic sinus, allergic rhinitis, otitis interna, raging toothache, and ever-present headache. His other health problems may range from chronic constipation to anal fistulas, from stomach ulcers to displaced discs.

  • But what may really cause concern is the fact that most of his troubles are psychosomatic - they exist only because of his ingrained nervousness and his ubiquitous anxiety, which spring themselves from his compelling self-destructive tendencies. There is no denying that cliffs, abysses, danger in general, and death itself all exert a powerful fascination on him. Obviously, the constant mobilization of all his energy to combat his perilous drives could give rise to any kind of physical imbalance. The native must take his health problems into careful consideration and have them treated adequately instead of pretending that they do not exist. Of course, there should be no question of indulging in hypochondria or morbid obsession. A systematic psychiatric treatment would be highly advisable, especially in this individual's early youth, when his patterns of reaction are not yet firmly established. His formidable energy, once properly channeled, is apt to help him achieve tremendous realizations in life.

  • Given his almost permanent nervousness, the Rooster male would find his interest in avoiding stimulants of all kinds, especially alcohol and tobacco. He must also refrain as far as possible from spices, which are detrimental to his oversensitive mucous membranes, but which he is particularly fond of.

  • Concerning his feeding habits, he is rather inclined towards asceticism, with a marked taste for "natural" foods. But it is not impossible for him to overeat and overdrink from time to time, as if to compensate for his usual somewhat excessive abstemiousness. In either case he may be acting unwittingly under the influence of his self-punitive, self-destructive urges.

  • Vigorous muscular exertion must be regularly resorted to in order to sublimate his ineluctable nervous tension. He is advised to do the most violent or dangerous sports such as soccer, baseball, rugby, mountaineering, skin diving, and car racing. Martial arts - karate,

  • judo, vovinam, kung fu, and others - can serve as both a good outlet for his suicidal tendencies and an effective means to control his overflowing nervous energy.


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