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The twelve Animal Signs for Men

The twelve Animal Signs

for Men

Tiger man

His productive capacities

  • Whatever his undertaking at a given moment, the Tiger male will charge ahead body and soul despite all objective difficulties as well as those of his own making. He works his best when under pressure, when the job at hand is of the most exacting kind. But when some steam has been eased off he will begin to flounder. His fierce pride and tendency to overdo things are his worst enemies as they could neutralize all his achievements and bring about his ruin. General Charles de Gaulle is a good illustration of these aspects of the Tiger man's work nature.

  • All professions that require charisma, authority, courage, strenuous efforts and a taste for risks suit the native of the Tiger man well; so do all jobs that offer sufficient scope and challenge. He is conscious that people instinctively depend on him for leadership, and means to live up to their expectations. The military career is undoubtedly the one he pursues most aptly. He can be an excellent army chief, dauntless and resourceful, happy to share dangers and hardships with the men under his command. But this warrior needs to expose himself on the battlefield and come under fire; he would waste away in barracks. When the going gets rough, this rough man likes to get going. He also makes a successful policeman, private detective, war correspondent or secret agent, on condition he is constantly on the move and confronted with perilous situations; an office work would mean death to him.

  • If his aggressiveness and fascination for danger can find a socially useful outlet, so much the better for him, for he may become a benefactor of mankind. In the contrary case, nothing will prevent him from becoming a dangerous member of society - as a gangster, professional killer, smuggler and the like.

  • Having a deep horror of injustice, he will excel as a lawyer, more concerned about defending the weak and the wronged than about making money; or as a judge grimly determined to wipe out vice and crime from the surface of the earth. His sadistic tendencies, if properly sublimated, will make him a notorious surgeon, dentist or general practitioner whose dedication and conscientiousness will command the respect of all. It is also his acute sense of justice that sometimes induces him to meddle in politics; but he prefers staying with the opposition, whatever it may happen to be, instead of belonging to the party in power.

  • Not rarely is the Tiger man a captain of industry, whose main objective is not to make a fortune but to achieve victory - for only victory interests him. Despite his indifference to material gains, it is not impossible for him to earn a huge lot of money, as he has the ability to make the right decisions at the right times and goes about his business with logic, intrepidity, mercilessness and a firm belief in final triumph. But he can also go bankrupt and know a checkered career due to his exaggerated penchant for taking unnecessary risks or throwing all his chips on a single horse. It must be acknowledged, however, that chance is often on his side.

  • This subject is keen on doing things that have never been done, or in the way that has never been experimented before. Always engaged in some creative field and ranking among avant-gardes, he may make momentous discoveries - or may have his wings burned. In either case his enthusiasm and curiosity will not be affected to the slightest degree.

  • As already pointed out, this subject does not always meet with success. One of the reasons is that he is more interested in making and initiating projects than in carrying them through to a successful conclusion, and that beginnings appeal to him more than endings. In other words, he grows weary of his undertakings too quickly, not exactly because he lacks patience but because he lets himself be easily lured away by new excitements and new challenges.


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