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The twelve Animal Signs for Men

The twelve Animal Signs

for Men

Rabbit (Cat) man

His physical background

  • The Cat male's overall physical appearance bears the mark of discreteness. There is nothing about him that shocks or catches the eye - nothing, in fact, that goes counter to his natural desire to keep a low profile. The only thing remarkable is that people hardly remark this man when they pass him. On closer examination one may simply say he is mild-mannered, somewhat effeminate, with an usually, sedate behavior and a patrician, gentlemanlike demeanor - but all this cannot obviously be viewed as very distinctive characteristics.

  • His features are regular and rather delicate, his forehead fairly high, his nose straight and moderately long. His voice is neutral, monotonous. His small mouth and thin lips, together with his bright, searching eyes, constitute the only noticeable elements on his face.

  • He is generally of medium height if not somewhat short. Slender, supple, he walks briskly and nimbly, exhibiting his natural gift for dancing. Despite his firm muscles, which however tend to slacken rapidly from the age of fifty onwards, he looks more like an absent-minded professor than a manual worker and never has the aspect of an athlete or sportsman.

  • Meticulous to a fault with his clothing, the Cat man is always well dressed and keeps his wardrobe adequately furnished at all times even though he may hardly afford it. He prefers discreet to gaudy colors and remains resolutely on the conservative side. Slovenly-looking people offend him to the point of being regarded by him as irresponsible and untrustworthy personalities regardless of their actual moral fiber. It is highly unlikely that the native could ever be a casual hippie.

  • In general this type takes good care of his health, often with a tendency to overdo it a little. It would be exaggerated to call him a hypochondriac since his concern is positive, not morbid, and since he has no delusions of ailments. In order to avoid malady and preserve his physical well-being, he is always prepared to go to great lengths - for instance, he gets himself vaccinated against as many diseases as possible, keeps strictly to an advisable though draconian diet which necessarily requires many privations and sacrifices, does some daily exercise come wind or foul weather, and so on. He would never allow himself to be remiss or even take it easy when it comes to matters concerning his health. Probably as a consequence, one can notice a tendency to longevity in the highly developed male; other males of this sign are not exposed to premature death themselves.

  • The Cat man tends to consider himself more delicate than he really is. While it is true he tires himself rather easily and often suffers from disorders and pains in his digestive tract and abdominal region, it is no less true he recovers quickly and generally needs no other analgesic or tranquilizer than complaining when his organism goes awry.

  • The real threat to his equilibrium does not seem to have a somatic origin but is more likely to be of a psychological nature. If he resists germs, intoxication, overwork and the like with surprising efficiency, his inner tensions and anguishes are perfectly capable of knocking him down. An intense conflictual situation is far more harmful to him than a temporary overindulgence in alcohol or tobacco. His sensitive nervous system can be upset by any emotional disturbance of some importance, resulting in loss of appetite, indigestion, nervous constipation, insomnia, migraine, muscular contractions and other related ills.

  • It is as a rule easy to treat this man's miseries as he is always willing to cooperate. He scrupulously follows all the indications and recommendations dispensed by his doctor; his medicine cupboard is perfectly arranged and kept up-to-date. Given the delicate nature of his neurovegetative system, he had better avoid allopathy in general and shock treatments in particular, for they both could do him more harm than good. Homeopathy, it seems, suits him well, partly because it will not subject his organism to possible upheavals and partly because he can be relied upon to take his medicines in exact doses, at exact hours and on exact days. Acupuncture may also be of good help.

  • The Cat-born male always shows a keen interest in food and nutrition. He instinctively senses that these are the keys to good health. He has the reputation of being fastidious about his food - he chooses it and cooks it or has it cooked with much care, and refuses to eat dishes that fall short of the standards of his own making. Unfortunately, he tends to carry his fastidiousness too far. Living in this period of generalized pollution and overabundance, he is often frightened by prophets of doom and unscrupulous quacks into subscribing to a number of nutritional fads. He is likely to try out various self-styled dietetical cookeries, including macrobiotics, eat "natural" products to the exclusion of everything else or follow Spartan if not extravagant dietary programs. He does all this in good faith, determined to spare himself those dreadful so-called civilization ailments. It is necessary to point out to him the possible danger involved in such nutritional devices. While they may be basically valid, they may not be useful or may even be harmless in his particular case, especially when they are taken up in an anarchic way and without strict medical supervision.

  • In any case, citrus fruits, grapes, cereals, wheat germs, yeast, eggs and fresh milk can generally do this individual a great deal of good. In view of the vulnerability of his gastrointestinal apparatus, it is in his interest to eat yogurt every day because this food is not only a most appropriate antibiotic but also a precious aid to digestion. On the contrary, he must avoid, as far as possible, all foods that are difficult to digest such as starch, fats and burned meats. Excess cellulose could cause him serious trouble if it is taken over a long period of time - and it is why, contrary to what he may sincerely believe, he must refrain from a vegetarian, vegetalian, or crudivorous diet.


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