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The twelve Animal Signs for Women

The twelve Animal Signs

for Women

Pig woman

Her psychological makeup

  • The Pig woman's psychological fabric is highlighted by her great emotional instability. She may be overoptimistic and in an excellent humor at one moment, then sinks into deep pessimism and depression at the next moment. Constant fluctuations are part of her personality. As a reaction to such sudden changes she tends to overindulge in sensual pleasures, it is true, but it would be unjust to accuse her of hedonism.

  • She is even more suggestible and impressionable than her male counterpart. One could hardly find a more pliable person than this subject. Her passivity is such that she willingly lets herself be unduly influenced by others, particularly by the men in her life, even when her own vital interests are involved. This, coupled with her exceedingly naive and credulous nature, often induces her to take a kind of perverse pleasure in a martyr complex. However, when old age comes, she is likely to regret having been too self-effacing, too accommodating,

  • Reluctant to seek to distinguish herself, the Pig female can perfectly satisfy herself with mediocrity. She has little desire to make the effort necessary for accomplishment, and is keen on displaying an air of helplessness as a justification for her lack of motivation and ambition. But in place of willpower she is largely endowed with patience, tenacity, and resignation.

  • Even more than the Goat native, this woman has a kind of sixth sense, and her intuition is insuperable. She senses everything with great delicacy and accuracy. There is no way to tell her lies, for her soft eyes possess a sort of laser that runs through her interlocutors.

  • Her sensitiveness verges on pathology. Too deeply afraid to suffer, she is fearful of almost everything, especially of anything new and surprises, be they good or bad. Any kind of criticism can hurt her profoundly and make her feel utterly miserable. For this reason she is not quite easy to deal with, and those who want to please her are often at a loss to go about it.

  • Self-pity is not the least of her negative character traits. She cries her eyes out easily, sometimes for no apparent reason at all. She often feels sorry for herself when she does not have her own way or when she believes herself unfairly treated by life or other people.

  • There probably exists no Pig woman without a childish comportment, and this regardless of the number of her years. The problem with the native of the sign is that she never consciously wants to go beyond the girlish stage, which gives her a comfortable feeling of security. As a consequence she always strongly feels the temptation to evade reality and responsibility. Nothing would trouble her more than being confronted with the necessity to take decisions. Whether she admits of it or not, she constantly desires to be mothered and enjoy all the familiar comforts of home, trusting someone else to solve all her personal problems in her place.

  • Her Oedipus complex constitutes an inescapable part of her psychological makeup. It may sometimes proves devastating by posing as an insurmountable obstacle to her growth and inducing her to lesbianism. In any case her attachment to her parents, especially to her father, can be so strong that she never wants to leave home and marry at all. Indeed, the number of Pig spinsters is quite impressive!

  • The Pig woman is possessed of a phenomenal memory for the simple reason that she attaches the utmost importance to gone-by things. Perhaps she subconsciously associates the past with the security and happiness of childhood. She loves to refer to her past, and an explanation for almost any of her likes and dislikes may be found in it. She treasures old pictures, old toys, old letters, and rarely discards old ties and friendships. It is quite understandable, then, that her conservatism equals anyone else's.

  • Her interests are very domestic, which does not favorably predisposes her to the idea of the liberation of women. A talented and devoted homemaker, she delights in entertaining people and shows herself an admirable hostess. She also has a deep love of all vulnerable beings - she becomes crazy at the sight of any baby she passes and fills her home with all sorts of strayed animals.

  • She dreams enormously and at all times. Many of her daydreams have a good chance of coming true, and some of her nightdreams are distinctively premonitory. There exists in her an irresistible compulsion to deform, travesty, and embellish reality. In this context she loves to dress up and has a predilection for carnivals and fancy masked balls; she also tends to tell "lies," which actually are not lies but only a manifestation of her need to give life a more romantic, more picturesque aspect.

  • Her relations with money have a somewhat curious character. To her, emotional security is strictly tributary of financial security; she is quite favored in this respect since she has much more than her share in the cornucopia. Believing that money is made to be spent, she is usually quite a spendthrift - the more emotional problems she has, the more money she spends. And then, suddenly, without notice, she becomes outright miserly and petty, making incomprehensible cheeseparing economies.

  • It may appear from all the foregoing that the Pig woman is not a very worthy person. In fact, the exact contrary would be nearer the truth. This nature is no doubt one of the finest specimens of the human race - finest not for her intellectual or other abilities, but for her innumerable moral qualities. Just like the masculine half of the sign, she is kind, friendly, generous, forgiving, tender, affectionate, compassionate, honest, truthful, patient, modest, conscientious, and loyal. These qualities are so natural in her that people tend to take them for granted when dealing with or talking about her. With such an individual as the Pig woman, we have an eloquent proof that we could be angels though human.


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