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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Western Horoscope for the Year 2011

Western Horoscope

for the Year 2011

The influence of your ascendant

  • Ascendant in Aries - You'll be efficacious on many fronts. In your family life as well as at work, you'll know how to cope with all problems. In addition, you'll be more expansive toward those you love by openly showing your tenderness and solicitude.

  • Ascendant in Taurus - Some long-standing planetary aspects will render you vulnerable to some mild health problems and to discouragement this year. Small trips will prove apt to boost your physical as well as moral condition. If you can't travel, at least try to vary your activities and leisure.

  • Ascendant in Gemini - Protected sentimental life. You'll be warm, full of vitality and often happy to the full. Positive contacts with your friends who'll show you unfailing devotion. Smile to life!

  • Ascendant in Cancer - Relatively tranquil professional life. But the planetary influences will prove more determining and more benefic to female than to male natives on this score.

  • Ascendant in Leo - Everything will go well for you on the professional plane. You'll have more than one occasion to demonstrate that you're among the best. You'll be more creative than ever, and your know-how will allow you to be in the limelight.

  • Ascendant in Virgo - Don't hesitate to build castles in Spain. You'll have the right to dream a little this year, all the more as the stars will be with you. Nevertheless, don't ever lose sight of reality. Tell yourself that you're not less worthy than others and that there's no reason why you should let them share alone the cake of life.

  • Ascendant in Libra - This year will be spangled with possibilities of new associations, legal satisfactions, signed contracts, advantageous undertakings. Profit well by all these opportunities.

  • Ascendant in Scorpio - You'll be very vulnerable on the affective plane. Rendered excessively emotive by the stars, you'll attach exaggerated importance to the words and attitudes of others, and you'll often interpret them in the bad sense.

  • Ascendant in Sagittarius - You'll be well determined to improve your professional situation. However, victory will not be won in advance. Your superiors won't always appreciate your open will to impose your views. Please show more diplomacy and flexibility.

  • Ascendant in Capricorn - Take stock of your material situation and of your finances. In work, a retraining may prove indispensable for certain natives; others may have to change jobs. You should realize that nowadays mobility and a great capacity of adaptation are essential factors of professional success.

  • Ascendant in Aquarius - With this planetary climate, there'll be a possibility for you to enter an intellectual or spiritual world that is unknown to you until now. You'll accede to it whether by studies, reading, or by the frequentation of persons who have outstanding interests or who are on a high intellectual level.

  • Ascendant in Pisces - This year you'll feel more acutely than ever the weight of your family responsibilities. And you'll earnestly wish to be delivered from it. Take courage, by remembering that familial life, despite its constraints and disadvantages, can very often bring about immense joys.


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