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Master Rao Astrology Center 2011-2023. Free Horoscope, Astrology, Chinese Horoscope, Chinese Astrology, Love Compatibility Horoscopes

Western Horoscope for the Year 2011

Western Horoscope

for the Year 2011

The influence of your ascendant

  • Ascendant in Aries - You'll only think of developing your professional activity. A few strokes of luck will allow you to carry out your dearest ambitions. However, be careful not to commit the sin of overconfidence; remain particularly vigilant in June.

  • Ascendant in Taurus - This year you'll discover that love and tenderness are advantageous sooner or later and that faithfulness constructs happiness whereas flirtation and superficial sentiments can only lead to loneliness and bitterness ultimately.

  • Ascendant in Gemini - Energy will prove your greatest asset for success. You'll refuse to dissipate your forces or to spread yourself thin. Moreover, you'll succeed more easily in expressing your feelings, which will provoke a very favorable evolution of your relationships with your dear ones.

  • Ascendant in Cancer - The astral ambience of the year is suited to transform you gently, almost imperceptibly, by lessening your resistances and by freeing you from the argumentative and rational side to your character. You'll give freer rein to your sensitiveness and your inspirations.

  • Ascendant in Leo - You'll be inclined to give friendship a better place in your life. You'll now know that friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows to half. Your intimate friends will always be there, present and ready to boost up your morale or to give you a good bit of advice if you need it.

  • Ascendant in Virgo - Excellent professional prospects. You can widen the field of your activities or improve your performances. Creators, especially, will reap great successes and would know glory.

  • Ascendant in Libra - You'll benefit from an astral juncture very favorable to the blossoming of your feelings of compassion, generosity, and altruism. The pleas of humanitarian organizations will move your heart and make you open your purse.

  • Ascendant in Scorpio - Neptune in your natal chart will bring you appeasement and serenity. You'll no longer be entangled in daily life harassment. You'll be pleasant and charming, and in return will be loved with fervor. In a word, you'll spend a very agreeable year.

  • Ascendant in Sagittarius - Your experiences in the domain of social life will prove very useful. Don't become disheartened if they do not immediately bear their fruits: Everything will come along for those who can wait!

  • Ascendant in Capricorn - Great projects will be yours! You'll aim very high and will always be game for all audacious undertakings. Some natives of the sign will decide to establish their own firms.

  • Ascendant in Aquarius - Great consolations on the heart front will come to compensate some disappointments on the professional plane. All told, you should absolutely not deem yourself unhappy for one cannot have everything!

  • Ascendant in Pisces - A sufficiently good year on all planes. You'll be rather happy in love thanks to the help of Venus, and you'll benefit from stronger and stronger friendly supports. And there should be new hopes on the career front.


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